The 7th World Congress on Conductive Education is to take place in December 2010. Hong Kong, China. A meeting of the Executive Committee and a General Assembly of the International Pető Association will be held parallel with the Congress. Similar to previous Congresses, it is our endeavour to make the final decision regarding the organisation of the subsequent, the 8th World Congress on this occasion.
The Executive Committee of the International Pető Association is pleased to invite organisations to submit applications to host the 8th World Congress on Conductive Education. Applications should include all essential details of the applicant and of the possible partner organisation.
It is desirable for applicants
  1. To ensure that the 8th World Congress on Conductive Education is succeeded by the 7th Congress in about three years’ time (approximately in 2013).
  2. To take account of national and international as well as major religious customs and holidays when setting the date more nearly.
  3. To offer alternatives and easy travel access when specifying the venue.
  4. To guarantee accessibility and the opportunity to work for all participants (including those using special aids and appliances).
  5. To offer a wide range of accommodation possibilities.
  6. To provide acceptable organisational and financial guarantees.
  7. To offer attractive social events.
  8. To involve the Board of the International Pető Association in strategic discussions and organising committees.
  9. To collaborate with the International Pető Association.

The 8th World Congress should be characterised

  • By a great number of participants
  • By the participation of young professionals and trainees
  • In proportion to summaries, cross cultural CE studies and own researches
  • By the collection and introduction of similar experiences and profile consequences in an abstrac

What the IPA can offer:

  • Mailing list of possible participants
  • Advice concerning the invitation of plenary speakers
  • Setting the topics
  • Invitation of the scientific committee and coordination of their work
  • Setting up the scientific programme
  • Organisation of personal consultations with CE professionals
  • Fulfilling special professional requests other than official conference programme
  • We will be pleased to be at your disposal with any further information

Applications must be submitted by 31 January 2010 latest.
Applicants are requested to mail two printed copies of their application to

Júlia Horváth PhD to Kútvölgyi út 6, 1125 Budapest, Hungary and to send it also via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. and/or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The winner will be announced in the General Assembly of the IPA on the occasion of the 7th World Congress on Conductive Education in Hong Kong, China.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Ildikó Kozma
International Pető András Association
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